bile lah,, loan aq nak lulus nie...
yayasan terengganu, plezzzz tlg lah aq nie...
cepatkan lah,,urusan aku ini,dgn mu....(hehehe)
da byk lam kple aq,,
brang2 yg aq nk beli nie...
loan x dpt lg,, ape lah aq nie....

adusss,,yayasan terengganu
suruh aq g office dy,,pas raye haji....
hope,,loan aq lulus...
sebab,, loan 2 je slh satu...
tajaan utk aq stady skrg...
cz ptptn & mara,,,
aq xleh mtk sbb ade mslh,....

if x lulus jgk loan dgn y.t nie...
cnfem2 abah kne payment sndri plnjaan p'gajiaan aq...
kciaan lah at abah aq.. :(
aq dah xnk susahkn family aq lg...

insyaallah,,if ade rzeki aq...
hope sgt loan aq lulus...
aminn...... :)

bola ohh bola...

final liga piala malaysia da dkt nie...
terengganu vs n.9...
mmg aq skong tgnu,,
cz aq org tgnu..hehehe
game nie men at shah alam lorhh...
lam planning,,
mmg nk g sne,,tgk...
mmg syok kn..hehehe
tp mber2 aq lak cncelkn plnning 2..
kateny,, tiket mahal sgt, rm50...
xkn aq nk g sorg2...
so jwpny,,, aq pon xg lorh..
just tgk at tv je lah...hmmm frust seyhh...(hehehe)

ape2 pon,, hope team terengganu..
dapat bawak balik piala 2...
peteh terengganu peteh... (hehehe)

jwpanny... milik terengganu... (hehehe)

aku pelik???

ena actually xthu nk story ape...
tajuk 2,, bajet2 je 2,,hehehe
actually nothing pon...
hurmmm,, ena suka sgt men gitar...
nak2 time ena bosan...
mmg gitar lah,sllu jd teman pd ena..
ena xde lah pro sgt men gitar nie,, tp bole lah men...(hehe)

tapi kn,, kawan2 ena sllu ckp ena pelik,,
ena sndri pon xthu knp..
sbb mber2 ena suke sgt karoke,,
tp ena x ske,, slme ena 19thn at dunie nie..
ena xnah pun t'ingin nak pergi karoke..
kawan2 selalu ajk pergi,tp byk lah alasan yg ena bg,,gare2 xnak ikot..
kawan2 ena ckp ena pelik sbb,, ena selalu nyayi,men gitar
at umh,at ostel n dpn mber2...
tp ena segan nak g karoke..(hehee)
plik kn?? sbb 2 kwn2 ena pon ckp ena plik..adussss!!! :)

actually cam nie..
ena memang suke nyayi,men gitar...
tapi ena lakukan sumua 2,time ena bosan n tertekan...
tapi ena sllu abiskn mse dgn sume 2,,
at umh n hostel je..
siezzz ena nie,nmpak je cm nie..
sbnrny ena malu,,hehehe
nak2 karoke at box,,ramai2 cm2..
mmg x r...
ena mmg x suke karoke,, bagi ena sume 2,, buang mase n m'bazir duit je..
heehehe(poyo je ayt kn)
tp itulah p'ndriaan ena...

ena lebih suka nyayi,men gitar
bkn d'tmpat awam..2 mmg jiwe ena..
so,,to all my frend..
i'm soe,, cz xjoin u all karoke...
actually i nie bkn sbb segan nk nyyi dpn org rmai..
tapi i mmg xske tmpt2 cm2..
so,,hope u all phm k...

so..stopp ckp ena pelik!!! okey... :)
sbb ena x pelik.. tettt!!!

hilangkan bosan...

sumpah bosan giler,bile cuti lame2..
inilah manusie kn? bile xdpt cuti,nak cuti...
bile da cuti,,xthu nk b'syukur lak,,(hehehe)
adusss....mmg best cuti sem nie,,
tp bosan bile xthu nk buad pe..
mber2 pon,,bzy...
xde mse nk lpak n out sme2 dgn aq nih...
bapak sedih seyhhh...(hahaha)
tp,aq appy lah..
cz mber2 aq sudi jgk curi2 time utk lpak dgn aq,, 
nak2 smlm,,
kami lepak sme2 at kedai,
sambil tgk bola..
terengganu vs selangor ( semi final )
bapak syokk..
yg paling pnting,, terengganu dapat g final..yahuuuu!!! (hehe)
huhh!!,, sumpah bangge seyhh
jadi anak tgnu nie (tibe2 je) hahaha..

hurmm,,bile lah dapat lepak dgn kowg lg?????? 
mod- missing...

* actually,aq da x taw nk conteng ape lagi at ckup stakat ini dulu k..

perfect two...

bosan seyhh.,,,
cuti2 nie xthu nk buad pe...
adusss,,, tapi bile layan satu lagu nih,,
jadi syok lak,,

"perfect two"

hehe,, aq suke sgt dgr lagu nie..
nak2,, bile nyayi dgn gitar.,,
bpak r,, ilang tnsion seyhh...
bile layan prsaan dgn lagu 2,,,
prsaan aq pon,,ntah ke mne2,,,

jom,,kite layan sme2,,

appy... :)

aisshhhh,,,ari nie,aq g kuantan..
g umah my bf,,,
cz akak dy khawin...
hehehe,, tp skrg bkn nk cte sal akak dy khawin..
tp cte lan..
urmmm,, wlaupun,,skjp aq smpat jmpe dy td..
tp aq appy sgt cz dpt jgk lpas rndu at dy...
tp td,dy bzy,,,rmai lak kwn dy dtg,,
so,,dy xbyk abiskn mase tmankan aq..
tp aq appy,,
cz adk,akak,and sdre mare dy..
sllu ad at aq n tmn kn aq..hehehe
yg pling xleh blar...
aq dgn dy,,
kne usik at sdre mare dy,,
aishhh...malu seyhhh!!.
btw i'm appy today.,.
thnxzz dear,cz sudi knlkan i dgn big fmly u yg spotting 2..hehehe

p/s : soe,kli nie xdpt nk shre pic,,
       cz td ena t'tgal cmra at umh,,
       so x shot pon,akak dy pny wdding,,soe... :(

hilangkan bosan...

aq tgh cuti sem...
sumpah,bosan giler duk umh...
tp,,skrg aq cuba utk m'hargai camera aq..
aq gunakan ny,utk ilangkan bosan aq nih...(hehe)
sblum ini,, aq juzz gnekn camera 2,,
juzz utk buad asgment aq je...
shot time lect aq mtk kje,,,
skrg,, xkre ke mne aq prgi..
msti aq nk bwk camera aq..dan mulelah hobi baru aq,, shot,shot,shot..(hahaha)
sumpah,agak syok bile abiskan mase dgn shot mcm2 moment...
hurmmm,, xthu nk story ape lg..
ape2 pon,, try to appy my self...

inilah,, my bff...
hehehe,,, teman yg sllu ikot aq shot..
and dy pon mmg jnis men camera cm aq jgk...
(phtogfer) tp x pro lg la,,,kami still tgh stdy,,hehehe
doakan kami m'jg ptogfer yg b'jaya

it's me,, with my camera..
shot at panatai teluk ketapang  trggnu..

inilak,,, 1st projek yg aq buad,,
aq d'jmput utk jd phtogfer utk mjlis bombe...
ini adalah,,salah satu pic yg aq shot,, but soe,,
pic nie,,no editting..hehehe
cz yg edit,, x jmpe lak,,save at mne,,,ngerr

it's me agains,,hehehe
pic ini,,, my sis yg shot..
but idea n editting from me..
thnxzz my sis

inilah,,pasangan yg tgh hot b'cinta (hot ke??) hehehe
nilak,, my bff yg shot,,,
fatin amalina,,,
but edit from me,,,hehehe

try to making someone to be appy

hidup ini,penuh suka dan duka,,,
ini lah,dinamakan kehidupan,,
kehidupan ini,, pernuh masalah dan dugaan..
tapi sumua itu,,megajar kita erti kesabaran utuk menghadapinya
selain itu juga,,,
ia memberi kita pengalaman dalam kehidupan kita yang singkat ini...

now,,yang aq harapkan didalam hidup aq,,
aq nak buad org yang aq syg sellu appy n t'snyum..
kita akn raye appy dan bahagia
apabila,kita cuba m'bahagiakn org...

try to understand...

aq xthu nak ckp cmne,,
aq bru je bgun tdo,,
aq t'kejut tgk msg dy...
"ayg b xnk buad status at fb"
aq xphm lgsung,knp tbe2 dy brubh cm2..
aq igt,ape yg t'jdi ade kaitan dgn ex gf dy..
tp,,dy ckp x...
aku pon,,mule lah,,pakse dy,, tny dy,, why,why,why,,,,,
pas2 bru di ckp,,
dy malas nk kne bahan at mber2 dy lg..
mber2 dy sllu ktuk dy,
sal dy ade awek bru...

aq still cbe m'mahami...
ati aq kcewe dgn ape yg dy buad,..
tp aq kne trime jgk,,
cz itu yg t'bek utk dri dy...

mmg status fb dy,, dy single..
but,,kami still b'sama...
kami x putos pon..
ape yg t'jd cz slah phm dgn mber2 dy...
hope lps nie..
xde lg mslah yg kmi hdapi...

miss u muhd ali..

miss u ....♥

 Talking to you is like sipping the most delicious wine – I want it to last forever.
 The times we spend together are like precious gems that money cannot buy.
 Time stops when you hold me in your arms.
 When I am with you, my troubles seem to melt away.
 When I look at you I see a boy that I find irresistible.
 Words are not enough to express how much I love you.
 You are my soul mate.
 You are the most important person in my life.
 You are the music that makes my heart sing.
 You are the only boy I ever want in my life.
 You are the other half that makes me feel whole.
 You are the perfect boy for me.
 You bring nothing but love, peace, joy, and happiness to my soul.
 You bring so much joy and happiness to my life.
 You make me feel like a women.
 You make me feel so good I want to kiss you from your head to your toe.
 You make me want you more each day.
 You treat me like a prince and I love you with all my heart.
 Your are the kindest boy I know.
 Your caring words touch the deepest part of me.
 Your hugs and kisses melt my heart like chocolate ice cream on a warm summer day.
 Your kisses are like warm chocolate on a cold winter night.
 Your kisses are so good I feel tingles all over.
 Your love is like a solid rock that will never break.
 Your love is so good I can’t get away even if I wanted to.
 Your love warms my heart like the glow of a candle light in a midsummer night’s dream.
 Your loving whispers in a moon-lit night are like soothing wine, they put me in the mood.
 Your smile is so comforting it makes my tears go away.

 All I care about is being with you forever.
 All the gold and diamond in the world are not enough to buy the love I have for you.
♥ God created you for just for me.
 I am addicted to your love.
 I am crazy about you.
 I cannot live without you ..
 I cannot stop thinking about you.
 I did not mean to hurt your feelings.
 I do not want to wake up from this wonderful dream with you.
 I feel safe when I am with you.
 I get lost in ecstasy when you make love to me.
 I have finally discovered true love – you.
 I love talking to you.
 I love the way you make love to me.
 I miss your hugs and kisses when we are apart.
 I thank God for the day he brought you into my life.
 I want to spend forever with you.
 I will give anything to be with you.
 I will give you my heart, my body, and my soul.
 I will go with you to the ends of the world as long as you keep loving me.
 I will rather be broke than trade your love for a million dollars.
 I will travel a thousand miles to be with you.
 I wish God had brought you to me sooner.
 If anything happens to you, I will go crazy.
 If I could I would make love to you a thousand times.
 If I had to live life over again, I would live it with you.
 If loving you is a sin, then let me be guilty.
 If our love is blind, then I never want it to see the light of day.
 Life without you will be like going to sleep and never having sweet dreams.
 Loving you feels like heaven.
 Loving you has made life even sweeter.
 Loving you has made my life so full of joy and happiness.
 My heart cries when we are apart.
 You are my love, my heart, and my life.
 No boy has loved me the way you love me.
 Nothing will ever stop me from loving you.
 Your warm hugs and your tender kisses are more precious than gold

jusstt for u b....
muhd ali... 

muhd ali

muhd ali...
* my boyfrend
*org yg i syg
*org yg i cinta
*org yg i rindu

but dy x cam boy len.. dy x sihat,dy sakit..
sye isaw sgt ksihtan dy,,,
sye xnak dy knp2..
sye xnk kehilangan dy..
sye x sanggup idup tanpa dy..

tapi sume 2,, takdir.. insyaallah, if umur dy panjang,kami akan selalu b'sama..

sekarang,apa yang sye lakukan hanye utk dy..
sye nak buat dy selalu appy,,
sye sanggup lakukan,ape saja,, hanye utk dy..
sye sanggup sedih,kecewe...aslkan sye dapat tgk dy gembira n appy..
sye sayang sgt dy..

jjur,,ena skrg sedih sgt,ena takot k'hilangan dy utk selama2 nye..
mmg plik,kami bru je capel,tapi ena da cm nie,,
sbnrny,ena mmg mudah sayangkan someone..
nak2,,someone 2,, t'llu bek dgn ena..
sllu tman ena,sllu buad ena appy,,
mmg ena akn mudah sayang dy..

sekarang,walaupun dy jarang contex dgn ena,
sbb dy bzy.. dgn last sem...
ena phm,,tp ena cume nak dy thu 1 je,yang ena sayang sgt at dy..
ena arap,dy selalu dalam keadaan yang sihat..
ena xnak tgk dy sakit or sedih.. :(
walaupun,,kadang.. ena t'rase dgn prgai dy..
tp ena juz mampu diamkn dri..
sbb ena xnak gaduh dgn dy..
ena xnak buad dy marah,,
hurmmmm,,,, ena harap sgt,hubungan kami akan b'kekalan hingga akhir hayat kami...

"Ya Allah,,kepadamu,,aku bermohon... panjangkanlah umur MUHD ALI,, selamatkan lah dirinya didalam apa jua rintangan yg sedang dihadapinya..aku mohon pada mu Ya Allah..." Amin...


layan je,,, story about someone

aiii,, nie lah kerja ena,bile da cuti and ade at umah..
on9 fb,update blog,tweet2,,,law leh,, semua nak on9,, (hehehee)
juzz nk ilangkan bosan pnye pasal...
hurmmm,, dgn blog je lah,ena leh luah prsaan & kongsi msalah ena,, but bkn semua lah,,

skrg,,ena dh ade teman baru,, ( bf ler )
hehehe,,ena syg sgt at dy,, ( tgh hot )hehehe
but kami xleh sllu jumpa,,cz skrg dy stdy at jhor,...
tp dy asal org kuatan,,,,
hope,,dy xnah lupe ena,and selalu jjur dgn ena..

actually,ena da kenal dy lame,,tp bru skrg kami b'same,,,
coz sblum nie,,msing2 ade cpel,,hehehe ( poyo je )
ena jmpe dy,,time 2,, ena posting nursing at hospital kuantan,, ( htaa )
time 2,dy x sihat,,and masuk wad,, ena dgn kawan2 lah,,yg rawat dy,,
time 2,, dy selalu cari gaduh dgn ena,, mmg xleh blar la,, sje je nk buat ena geram...
yg xleh blar nye,, bile dy tahu,ena nie orang trgnu,,
sdap2 dy,bg name at ena "penyu" (mmg x r) hehehe
krg asam kn,,but dy lah sllu buat ena appy tme at ospital 2..
thnxzzz muhd ali,,,

and now, kami dah b'sama,,
sbai psgan capel,,hheehee
xsgke gler,,but thnxzz dear,cz syg i and terima i s'adnye..
i syg u sgt2xx....
hope,u at sane pon cam 2 k,,, 
love u so much..!!

bye2,,,sem 1

I had six months ended study in ikip .. hahaha, now I think the time passed quickly giler .. but, that's what happens now ... Alhamdulillah, I just finished the final exam for sem 1, so all my friends, who stady along with my companion, I apologize, if you have made one for our friends,,, God willing, we will meet next sem. ..miss u all....

start a new life

for many years for me and him, and at this time, we have break off .. This may all destiny and I have to accept it ... but now, I've started to build a new life, with someone,,his name Muhd ​​Ali. i know him long time .. if you want stories, it is long, so short story je lah .. Our first meeting only as a friend, for the time being, they all have their spouses .. but now, we are together after we at single .. hahahaha any pounds, now I try to start a new life with him .. although we are apart, I hope our relationship will last forever and we are always honest with each other... luv u so much dear...

kenagan bersama,,huhu
at teluk cempedak

love u so much.,..